10 Hilarious Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Laziness

1. When you can’t be bothered to use your laptop on your actual lap:

When you can't be bothered to use your laptop on your actual lap:

2. When you make the mistake of getting into bed too soon:

When you make the mistake of getting into bed too soon:

3. When making food involves, well, “making”:

When making food involves, well, "making":

4. When you forget that you actually have a closet:

When you forget that you actually have a closet:

5. When the cons of exercise outweigh its pros:

When the cons of exercise outweigh its pros:

6. When you’d rather break your arm than make two trips:

When you'd rather break your arm than make two trips:

7. When you move onto a new device instead of plugging the dead one in:

When you move onto a new device instead of plugging the dead one in:

8. When you’re forced to watch one channel because the remote is a galaxy away:

When you're forced to watch one channel because the remote is a galaxy away:

9. When you spend more time in a towel than you do actual clothes:

When you spend more time in a towel than you do actual clothes:

0. When shaving just one leg is achievement enough

When shaving just one leg is achievement enough:

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