20 Rules all Men Must Know

  1. Know what you want. Don’t go around asking for approval.
  2. Always love and respect your parents.
  3. Never cheat on your girlfriend/wife.
  4. On the bus always give up your seat to the elderly, pregnant women, and mothers with their kids.
  5. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.
  6. Don’t put others down.
  7. Don’t participate in gossip.
  8. Exercise.
  9. At the gym wear nice clothes. You will interact with a lot of different kinds of professionals there and first impressions are everything.
  10. Don’t ever take selfies.
  11. In emails and texts don’t use short form.
  12. No matter how mad you may be at your family, keep it in the family.
  13. Don’t brag.
  14. Listen. Girls like to talk about themselves.
  15. Never use the term: “Shit happens.” Put in more efforts into comforting that person.
  16. If talking to someone you don’t want to, make a polite excuse and leave.
  17. Never talk religion with anyone. Keep it to yourself.
  18. Don’t follow others.
  19. Don’t waste your life away being on your phone and computer all the time.
  20. When making plans, call. Don’t text.

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